‘Time is of the essence – time is money’. Perhaps we think this phrase to be a tad bit trite, as we have heard people say it over and over again, so much so that these words fall upon our ears passively, like hearing some insistent, broken record in dire need of a new track. But in my experience as a wife to a retail businessman for over 25 years while being a mother to three beautiful children, the totality of my life story can be summed up into that simple belief – that time is of the essence, time is money. In fact, time is more valuable than money!
Today, I challenge you – to look at your time. When I say, look at it, I mean, look at how you spend it. No, I’m not referring to the “canned answer” that’s often rote and what’s expected as when asked “what’s most important to you”? I’m referring to where you spend your time. Look at your calendar and know that where ever you spend your time – is what you value. No matter how you answer the question – where you’re spending time now is what’s important to you. Spending 12 hours of the day on business? Then, that’s important to you. There’s nothing wrong with that if that is really what is most important to you.
This week we hoped to save you time as you become better at communicating your personal brand, entrepreneurship and career skills. Here’s what we shared:
Here are some easily shareable tweets from our posts this week. Share, tweet and become a hub of great information and resources to your contacts. Know that if you help people in any area of their life, they will be more likely to see you as someone who can help them in other areas of their life.
- When interviewing, your intro statement should make you stand out from competition and match the needs of the position. http://ow.ly/rwpvv [tweet this]
- There is no such thing as luck, but you can make your own luck with smarts and hard work. http://ow.ly/rwqPu [tweet this]
- The experience of taking a gap year can help students become more independent, resourceful and adaptable. http://ow.ly/rFRvF [tweet this]
- No matter your budget, be sure to do something to put a smile on your contacts faces and spread a little cheer. http://ow.ly/rFTlj [tweet this]
- Those who are in-shape will be conceived as stronger and more resilient than those who take less care of their bodies. http://ow.ly/rFTNh [tweet this]
- When you’re a remote worker, work time has a tendency to encroach on your personal time. Don’t let it. http://ow.ly/rIK5s [tweet this]
- At your company, seek out people you can learn from and cultivate formal mentoring relationships. http://ow.ly/rIKov [tweet this]
- It is important to have the right conversation with the right person in order to solve problems in the workplace. http://ow.ly/rIKQB [tweet this]
- Always work hard to ensure your personal brand is known and understood by others; it should never be hidden. http://ow.ly/rIL9B [tweet this]
- Whether you work overtime or not, many jobs depend on your so-called personal time to contribute to your productivity. http://ow.ly/rILsv [tweet this]
- You don’t have to be an expert to start a company; you just need the drive to learn and the perseverance to fail. http://ow.ly/rILyf [tweet this]
- Did you know that volunteers have a 27% higher likelihood of finding a job after being out of work than non-volunteers? http://ow.ly/rILRi [tweet this]
- As a business professional, being a better person is critical for attracting the right attention and clientele. http://ow.ly/rIM0N [tweet this]
- If you’re able to align with an interviewer’s traits, your chances for a successful interview are immensely increased. http://ow.ly/rIMhV [tweet this]
- As part of your plan for 2014, relationship “goals” should be planned just as carefully as revenue goals. http://ow.ly/rIMqo [tweet this]
- Avoiding common behaviors of lackadaisical job seekers will improve the attractiveness of your personal brand. http://ow.ly/rIMSy [tweet this]
- If there’s a place you want to work, find a way to introduce yourself before a job opening is even posted. http://ow.ly/rIN5i [tweet this]
- Storytelling via social media enables businesses to tell its customers the value it brings to the table. http://ow.ly/rIN7a [tweet this]
As we wind down 2013, and if you’re serious about developing a personal brand that is “authentically you” and harnessing the power of your own personal strengths – then take the time to find out what really matters to you. Yes, it’s that important. All the promotion, strategies and communication will do you no good if you are not solid on what matter most.